
University of Bern, Switzerland ポスドク募集

University of Bern, Switzerland ポスドク募集

ITI Research Institute for Dental and Skeletal Biology(スイス、ベルン大学 www.iti.unibe.ch) のHunziker教授のラボで日本人ポスドクを募集しています。滑膜由来の間葉系幹細胞を用いた軟骨の再生が研究テーマです。やる気があり、生化学的手法、分子生物学、組織学、細胞培養の経験があれば、とくにこれまでの研究的バックグラウンドは問いません。英語でのコミュニケーションが可能であることが必須です(応募者とは教授が電話でインタビューを行いたいとの事)。ご興味のある方はHunziker教授に直接メールしていただくか(日本語不可)、あるいは私宛にメールしていただいてもかまいません(日本語可:nahoko.shintani@iti.unibe.ch)。

Professor Ernst B. Hunziker
ITI Research Institute for Dental and Skeletal Biology
University of Bern
e-mail: ernst.hunziker@iti.unibe.ch
Tel: +41 31 632 86 85
Fax: +41 31 632 49 55



St. Joseph's Hospital Postdocs, PhD students募集

Postdoctoral positions in prostaglandin biology, thermoregulation, and TRP channels physiology

We are looking for Postdoctoral Fellows, Research Associates, Visiting Scientists, or Visiting Ph.D. Students to study: lipid mediators of fever and hypothermia in systemic inflammation; behavioral thermoregulation in rats and mice; and physiological roles of transient receptor potential channels. Recent publications from the Laboratory include PLoS Biol 4: e284, 2006; PLoS ONE 1: e1, 2006; and J Neurosci 27: 7459, 2007.

Highly motivated individuals with an enthusiastic interest in our research program are invited to apply. Background in molecular biology, systems physiology, or immunohistochemistry/neuroanatomy is preferred, but the ability to think and work independently, dedication to work, and persistence in the face of failure are more important than the area of specialization.

For postdoctoral positions, mandatory requirements include an advanced degree, a track record of peer-reviewed publications, excellent computer skills, and good writing skills. To apply, send your curriculum vitae, reprints of full-length papers, a brief description of research interests and career goals, and names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of at least two references to:

Andrej A. Romanovsky, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Systemic Inflammation Laboratory, St. Joseph's Hospital, 350 W. Thomas Road, Phoenix, Arizona 85013, USA; aromano@chw.edu.

Posted by Andrej A. Romanovsky (aromano@chw.edu)


University of Washington ポスドク募集


University of Washington, Seattle

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study ligand-receptor dynamics during stomatal patterning and differentiation. We have shown that a family of three receptor-like kinases control the density and orientation of asymmetric cell division and stomatal differentiation (Shpak et al. 2005 Science 309:290-293). Our more recent work has led to a discovery of a candidate ligand gene as well as downstream ‘key switch’ transcription factors that direct a series of cell-state transition leading to stomatal differentiation (Pillitteri et al. 2007 Nature 445:501-505; Hara et al. 2007 Genes & Dev 15:1720-1725). A successful candidate will develop new methods to study ligand-receptor dynamics at cellular and subcellular levels using molecular-genetic tools readily available in my laboratory (e.g. stomatal-lineage markers, mutant resources, and fluorescent-tagged receptors) and further develop new tools. The project seeks to unravel how cell-cell signals, specifically, ligand-receptor actions will translate into stomatal cell-type differentiation during epidermal development.

Candidates must have excellent communication skills, ability to conduct research independently and as a team, and strong backgrounds in molecular biology, genetics, and imaging/microscopy. Candidates must be proficient and in confocal microscopy and imaging at tissue-, cellular-, or subcellular levels. Previous experience with Arabidopsis (plants) is a plus but not required.

Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The position is initially for one year, with possibility of extension based on performance and funding availability. The successful candidate will be encouraged to apply for independent fellowships. Due to the guideline of University of Washington, preference will be given to candidates with less than four years of postdoctoral experience.

Please send a cover letter outlining your research interests and career goals, current curriculum vitae, and a name and e-mail address of three referees to:

Prof. Keiko Torii
Department of Biology, University of Washington
Box 355325,
Seattle, WA 98195-5325

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity employer.

投稿者:Keiko Torii (ktorii@u.washington.edu)


University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoc募集

A postdoctoral position is available in the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (http://www.unmc.edu/Eppley/). The candidate will use X-ray crystallography and a variety of biophysical and biochemical methods to understand the structural aspects of signal transduction and transcription in eukaryotes. A Ph.D. with a strong background in biochemistry, including a documented extensive experience in cloning, expression in E-coli and/or insect cells, and purification of mammalian proteins is required. Omaha is among the top 10 best US cities for living (http://money.cnn.com/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/top100/bigcities.html). Interested candidates are invited to submit their application, including cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, statement of research experience and interests as well as names and addresses of at least three references to: Tahir H. Tahirov, Ph.D. Professor of Structural Biology, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Disease, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lied Transplant Center Room 10737A, 987696 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-7696. E-mail: ttahirov@unmc.edu


Tahirov T.H., Misaki S., Meyer T.E., Cusanovich M.A., Higuchi Y., Yasuoka N. Concerted movement of side chains in the heme vicinity observed on ligand binding in cytochrome c' from Rhodobacter capsulatus. Nature Struct. Biol. 3, 459-464 (1996).

Tahirov T.H., Inoue-Bungo T., Morii H., Fujikawa A., Sasaki M., Kimura K., Shiina M., Sato K., Kumasaka T., Yamamoto M., Ishii S., Ogata K. Structural analyses of DNA recognition by the AML1/Runx-1 Runt domain and its allosteric control by CBFβ. Cell 104, 755-767 (2001).

Tahirov TH, Sato K, Ichikawa-Iwata E, Sasaki M, Inoue-Bungo T, Shiina M, Takata S, Fujikawa A., Morii H, Kumasaka T, Yamamoto M, Ogata K. Mechanism of c-Myb–C/EBPβ cooperation from separated sites on a promoter. Cell 108, 57-70 (2002).

Tahirov TH, Temiakov D, Anikin M, Patlan V, McAllister WT, Vassylyev DG, Yokoyama S. Structure of T7 RNA polymerase elongation complex at 2.9 Å resolution. Nature 420, 43-50 (2002).

Perederina A, Svetlov V, Vassylyeva M, Artsimovitch I, Tahirov TH, Shigeyuki Y, Vassylyev DG. Regulation through the secondary structure – structural framework for pp-G-pp-DksA synergism during transcription. Cell 118, 297-309 (2004).

Chivers PT, Tahirov TH. Structure of Pyrocccus horikoshii NikR: nickel sensing and implications for the regulation of DNA recognition. J Mol Biol 348, 597-607 (2005).

Temiakov D, Zenkin N, Vassylyeva MN, Perederina A, Tahirov TH, Kashkina E, Savkina M, Zorov S, Nikiforov V, Igarashi N, Matsugaki N, Wakatsuki S, Severinov K, Vassylyev DG. Structural basis of transcription inhibition by antibiotic streptolydigin. Molecular Cell 19, 655-666 (2005).

Artsimovitch I, Vassylyeva MN, Svetlov D, Svetlov V, Perederina A, Igarashi N, Matsugaki N, Wakatsuki S, Tahirov TH, Vassylyev DG. Allosteric modulation of the RNA polymerase catalytic reaction is an essential component of transcription control by rifamycins. Cell 122, 351-363 (2005).

Inagaki E, Ohshima N, Takahashi H, Kuroishi C, Yokoyama S, Tahirov TH. Crystal Structure of Thermus thermophilus Δ1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate Dehydrogenase. J Mol Biol 362, 490-501 (2006).

Vassylyev DG, Vassylyeva MN, Perederina A, Tahirov TH, Artsimovitch I. Structural basis for transcription elongation by bacterial RNA polymerase. Nature 448, 157-162 (2007).

Posted by Tahir H. Tahirov (ttahirov@unmc.edu)


University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoc募集

An NIH funded postdoctoral position is available in Dr. Xu Luo’s laboratory at the Eppley Institute for Cancer Research, University of Nebraska Medical Center. The project involves the biochemical study of apoptosis in mammalian cells. Candidates with recent Ph. D. degree in molecular biology or biochemistry are welcome to apply. For more information, please see http://www.unmc.edu/Eppley/faculty.htm/. Please send CV and 3 reference letters to: Dr. Xu Luo, Eppley Institute for Cancer Research, 987696 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68198-7696, Email xuluo@unmc.edu


Luo, X., Budiharjo, I., Zou, H., Slaughter, C., and Wang, X. (1998). Bid, a Bcl-2 interacting protein, mediates cytochrome c release from mitochondria in response to activation of cell surface death receptors. Cell 94, 481-490.

Lutter, M., Fang, M., Luo, X., Nishijima, M., Xie, X., Wang, X. (2000). Cardiolipin provides specificity for targeting of tBid to mitochondria. Nat. Cell Biol. 10, 754-761.

Li, L., Luo, X., and Wang, X. (2001). Endonuclease G is an apoptotic DNase when released from mitochondria. Nature 412, 95-99.

George, N. M., Evans, J.D., and Luo, X. (2007). A Three Helix Homo-oligomerization Domain Containing BH3 and BH1 is Responsible for the Apoptotic Activity of Bax. Genes Dev. 21, 1937-1948.

Posted by Xu Luo (xuluo@unmc.edu)


Wistar institute ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集。2007 年 9 月より Wistar institute にて研究室を立ち上げます。それに伴い、当研究室では元気で明るく優秀な人を探しています。研究内容は、分裂酵母ゲノムの高次構造に関するものです。転写や複製などを含む様々な生命分子機構とゲノムの高次構造の関係を解明します。タンパク質精製等の Biochemistry、Microarray を含む Genomics assay、Fluorescent microscope を用いた解析の内、いずれかの技術に長けた方であることが望ましいですが、研究熱心な方であれば大歓迎です。因に、Wistar institute は、private medical institute としては米国内で最も歴史のある研究所で、Ivy League の中でも屈指の名門大学 University of Pennsylvania (Penn) キャンパスの中心に位置し、Penn と親密な研究交流を保ちながらも private institute として研究に集中できる最高の環境を持っています。興味のある方は、気楽に下記のアドレスにご連絡下さい。英語でも日本語でも結構です。

野間健一: 2000 年東京大学農学生命科学研究科にて博士課程修了、農学博士。2000-2003 年 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory にてポスドク、2003-2007 年 National Institutes of Health にてスタッフサイエンティスト、2007 年 9 月より Wistar Institute にて Assistant professor。

Noma K, Cam HP, Maraia RJ, Grewal SIS. A role for TFIIIC transcription factor complex in genome organization. Cell 125, 859-872, 2006

Noma K, Sugiyama T, Cam H, Verdel A, Jia S, Zofall M, Jia S, Moazed D, Grewal SIS. RITS acts in cis to promote RNA interference-mediated transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing. Nature Genetics 36, 1174-1180, 2004

Noma K, Grewal SIS. Histone H3 lysine 4 methylation is mediated by Set1 and promotes maintenance of active chromatin states in fission yeast. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99, 16438-16445, 2002

Hall IM,* Shankaranarayana GD,* Noma K,* Ayoub N, Cohen A, Grewal SIS. Establishment and maintenance of a heterochromatin domain. Science 297, 2232-2237, 2002 *These authors contributed equally to this work *This paper was awarded Newcomb Cleveland Prize (Best paper in Science magazine 2002-2003).

Noma K, Allis CD, Grewal SIS. Transitions in distinct histone H3 methylation patterns at the heterochromatin domain boundaries. Science 293, 1150-1155, 2001.


NIH の給料規定に準ずる

E-mail で下記の両方のアドレスにご連絡下さい。

履歴書、過去の代表的な論文 2 報、推薦者 (3 名) の氏名と連絡先



University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoc募集

Post-doctoral Fellow Positions Available (8/2007):

Postdoctoral fellow positions are available immediately for studying signal transduction pathways involved in prostate carcinogenesis. We study the molecular mechanism underlying prostate cancer (PCa) progression and metastasis regulated by androgens via non-genomic signaling pathways. Our lab research currently focuses on investigating the pathophysiology of the advanced hormone-refractory PCa because novel modalities for treating a disease at that stage are urgently needed.

The projects require molecular and cellular biology techniques and the experiments will also be involved in small animals. It is expected that the person is willing and be able to be participating to animal experiments. Thus, although it is not required, it is preferable the person having some experience in animal experiments. The positions are available immediately and the starting date is negotiable. The starting salary, which is based on the experience and is adjusted according to the cost of living at Omaha in Nebraska, is negotiable.

Some of our research interests are described briefly here and the details can be found at http://www.unmc.edu/dept/biochemistry/index.cfm?conref=12

1) To investigate the molecular mechanism by which human PCa cells can grow in the androgen-reduced environment. Based on studies examining the functional role of the cellular form of prostatic acid phosphatase (cPAcP), our lab has discovered how cPAcP is involved in regulating androgen-stimulated cell proliferation. We can restore androgen-sensitivity in androgen-independent PCa cells by the expression of cPAcP. We also found that this enzyme directly suppresses prostate tumor growth in xenografted animals, indicating its potential as a tumor suppressor. These findings could lead to the development of new strategies to control prostate carcinogenesis and new treatments for PCa.
Recent results from our lab further reveal that redox signaling plays a critical role in mediating androgen action on cell proliferation. This discovery may provide with a mechanistic explanation to clinical observations in the elevated expression of redox enzymes in prostate tumors. The cross-talk between androgens and redox signaling is currently under investigations.

2) To improve the treatment for advanced PCa patients. Dr. Lin’s lab is investigating novel strategies, including new applications of drugs, pro-drug development and nanomedicine approach. For example, we previously discovered that mifepristone, i.e., RU486, can suppress hormone-refractory PCa growth in xenograft animals. Anecdotal clinical results were observed and clinical trials are going on now.
Currently, we hypothesizes that a combinational treatment of androgen-independent PCa cells with chemotherapeutic reagents plus inhibitors to tyrosine phosphorylation pathway has an enhanced effect on inducing apoptosis of those cells. Other avenues including testing new compounds are also in progress. Our lab has also developed novel reagents for expressing genes specifically in PCa cells for gene therapy. These reagents can be used potentially to formulate a specific, effective gene therapy protocol.

3) To identify new markers/targets for developing novel therapies. In advanced prostate carcinomas, neuroendocrine (NE) cells, the third cell population in normal prostate, rise. It is proposed that NE cells secret stimulating factors, which in turn promote the growth of PCa cells under androgen-reduced environment. We have established NE cell lines derived from PCa cells in culture. These US patent-awarded NE cells will be useful for developing novel strategies of treating advanced hormone-refractory PCa patients.
To identify new markers for diagnosis and novel targets for therapy, our lab utilizes the DNA microarray technology and proteomic approaches. Currently, we are characterizing those newly identified molecules serving as key biomarkers in cancer diagnosis as well as prognosis and/or as novel targets for treatments.

We have very collaborative team members and are very productive in prostate cancer research. We are sincerely looking for team players to join our research efforts of conquering prostate cancer. Interested candidates please, including up-dated CV, contact
Ming-Fong Lin, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice-Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Professor, Eppley Institute for Cancer Research
Contact address:
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Nebraska Medical Center
985870 Nebraska Medical center
Omaha, NE 68198-5870
E-mail: mlin@unmc.edu
Web: http://www.unmc.edu/dept/biochemistry/index.cfm?conref=12

Posted by Ming-Fong Lin, Ph.D. (mlin@unmc.edu)


ジョージア工科大学 ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral position at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA


The Center for Human Movement Studies at the School of Applied Physiology of Georgia Tech (http://www.ap.gatech.edu/) is inviting
applications for a postdoctoral position to work on a project "Sensorimotor Control of Locomotion after Peripheral Nerve Injury". The scope of the project will include investigations of (1) mechanical response of the local musculoskeletal system to peripheral nerve injury and repair, (2) short-term compensation of muscle coordination during the recovery from self-reinnervation of selected ankle extensors in the cat, and (3) contribution of proprioception from intact muscles to adaptation of the motor patterns to the loss of feedback in selected ankle extensors. The research will involve close collaboration with the groups of Dr. Arthur English (Emory University) and T. Richard Nichols (Emory University/Georgia Tech). The Center for Human Movement Studies has a 6-camera Vicon system, three small Bertec force platforms, and equipment for recording muscle and nerve activity and forces from selected muscles.

The appointment will start immediately and be for one year initially and renewable up to a total of 3-5 years. Successful candidate is expected to have a background in human/animal movement science,
biomedical engineering, neurophysiology or related fields. Experience in motion analysis, animal surgery and chronic physiological recordings is beneficial.

Existing research programs at the School of Applied Physiology use a systems physiology approach to study movement and mobility at all levels, from molecule to organism. Research areas include muscle and exercise physiology, neural control, biomechanics, and prosthetics and orthotics. Opportunities for collaboration exist on campus and with the Emory School of Medicine, Georgia State University and the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Georgia Tech is one of the top 10 US public research universities and is situated on an attractive 400 acre campus in the heart of Atlanta, a culturally-rich and dynamic city.

Please send CV, research summary, and contact information of three references to Dr. Robert J. Gregor at robert.gregor@ap.gatehc.edu or Dr. Boris I. Prilutsky at boris.prilutsky@ap.gatech.edu.

Boris I. Prilutsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Insitute of Technology
Phone: (404) 894-7659
E-mail: boris.prilutsky@ap.gatech.edu

Minoru Shinohara, Ph.D.(篠原稔)
Associate Professor
School of Applied Physiology
Georgia Insitute of Technology
Phone: (404) 894-1030
E-mail: shino-jpn@umin.ac.jp(日本語)



Medical College of Georgia Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position
Oocyte cryopreservation
Institute of Molecular Medicine and Genetics, Medical College of Georgia

An NIH-funded postdoctoral position is immediately available at the Medical College of Georgia to study mammalian oocyte cryopreservation with particular emphasis on rhesus oocytes. Prior experience with manipulation of oocytes and embryos, and detail-oriented work are required. Familiarity with molecular biology techniques and microinjection is preferred. The Medical College of Georgia offers an excellent research environment and is located in a historic city with outstanding recreational and lifestyle opportunities. Applicants should email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information of three references to: Dr. Ali Eroglu at aeroglu@mcg.edu

Medical College of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Equal Access Employer.

Posted by Ali Eroglu (aeroglu@mcg.edu)


Wuerzburg大学、Max-Planck Institute for Neurobiology 大学院生募集


私たちのグループでは、ショウジョウバエの連合学習をモデルとして、その神経基盤の解明を目標としています。個々の行動を司る神経細胞を同定することにより、比較的単純な脳における神経回路の成り立ち・機能の理解を目指します(http://genetics.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/home/hiromut/ )。


給与:DFGの規定による(BAT IIa/2: 月額1700ユーロ程度[税込])

*所属はWuerzburg大学、またはMax-Planck Institute for Neurobiology。来年中にヴュルツブルグよりミュンヘンに引越しを予定していますので、所属は開始時期により異なりますが、給料、待遇などに大きな差は無いと思います。

Hiromu Tanimoto, Ph.D.
Lehrstuhl fuer Genetik und Neurobiologie, Universitat Wuerzburg
Am Hubland (Biozentrum), D-97074 Wuerzburg, Germany
tel: (49)-(0)931-888-4469; fax: -4452



Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester Cancer Research Centre ポスドク、大学院生募集

Positions for Postdoctoral Scientists & PhD students
Paterson Institute for Cancer Research, Manchester Cancer Research Centre, University of Manchester, UK

Paterson/Manchester Cancer Research Centre is a growing cancer research institute and Manchester is getting the second biggest city in UK, attracting young people to live.

Postdoctoral Scientists and PhD student positions are available in the laboratory of Dr Akira Orimo to study functional roles of tumour microenvironment in human carcinomas. This group is interested in elucidating molecular mechanisms by which tumour microenvironment promotes carcinoma cell growth and invasion, especially, focusing on myofibroblasts, which are a hallmark of activated fibroblasts. Indeed, numbers of these myofibroblasts are very often recruited into invasive human epithelial carcinomas and involved in tumour progression.
It was previously demonstrated that a large population of myofibroblasts, designated carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), present within invasive human breast carcinomas exhibited an ability to promote carcinoma growth and angiogenesis. Thus, myofibroblast-secreted stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1)/CXCL12 chemokine mediated, in part, the tumour-promoting ability of these myofibroblasts by recruiting endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) into tumour, boosting angiogenesis (Orimo A. et al, Cell, 121, 335-348, 2005; Orimo A. and Weinberg R.A., Cell Cycle, 5, 1597-1601, 2006).

The project will be to study myofibroblast-tumour cell interaction in several aspects as outlined below:
1) Molecular mechanisms that govern the unique properties of myofibroblastic CAFs.
2) Involvement of CAFs in enhancing tumour metastasis.
3) Roles of CAFs in creating the stem cell niche of “tumour-initiating cells”.
The ultimate aim would be to find out an attractive target for the development of anti-tumour therapies based on disturbing the myofibroblast-tumour cell interactions.

Informal enquiries please contact Dr Akira Orimo via email on aorimo@picr.man.ac.uk

Applying to the PhD course, please refer the following web sites.
Paterson 4 Y PhD studentship main website (>99% applications)
More local site although changing to School site in near future
General information Postgraduate Research =PGR
Faculty information
PhD Training programme other than lab work - probably the best in the UK!

To apply for this position please visit our website (www.paterson.man.ac.uk.). For applicants who are unable to download this information, please contact Laura Humes (HR Assistant) on 0161 446 3124 or email: lhumes@picr.man.ac.uk to have this information sent by post.

投稿者:Akira Orimo


University of Nebraska Medical Center ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

University of Nebraska Medical Center ポスドク募集

私のボスである Dr. Peter Kador が医学・生物・分子生物学分野のポスドクを募集しています(NIHからの研究費でsupport)。



Peter F. Kador, Ph. D.
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
College of Pharmacy
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Tel: +1(402)559-9261

蒔田 潤(まきた じゅん)
Tel: +1(402)559-5252

投稿者:蒔田 潤(jmakita@unmc.edu)

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