ジョージア州立医科大学 ポスドク募集
ジョージア州立医科大学 Medical College of Georgia
当研究室では、 ヒトヘモグロビン遺伝子をモデルとして遺伝子発現をコントロールしている細胞内シグナル伝達経路の研究をしています。 現在は Gene Switching の大体のメカニズムが解明され、hematology/oncology グループと協力し、血液疾患(貧血)に対する新しい治療法を開発し、臨床試験を行うように NIH に申請中です。 血液細胞のシグナルや シグナルの調節をしている分子の解析(cAMP が関与しているので Phosphodiesterases を含みます)に興味のある人を探しています。
応募資格:1)上記の研究に興味のある博士号取得者 M.D. または Ph.D.(意欲的に研究を行う方、アメリカで自分の力を試したい方、また独立して研究室を持ちたい方等々考慮し応援します)。 2)Molecular Biology, Cell Biology (FACS 等)の技術を習得している方。 3)英語の応募要項を掲示していますので、詳細はそちらをご覧ください。
Tohru Ikuta M.D. Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Medicine
Institute of Molecular Medicine & Genetics
Medical College of Georgia
Augusta, GA 30912
TEL: 706-721-3098
Fax: 706-721-8752
E-mail: tikuta@mcg.edu
Postdoctoral Fellow: Institute of Molecular Medicine & Genetics, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia
Minimum qualifications:
Postdoctoral positions with possible promotion to a faculty position are available immediately. Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent degree from an accredited college or university; excellent oral communication and writing skills; ability to work independently as well as in a cooperative manner with supervisor; able to develop, organize, and complete research projects; must be highly motivated and committed to achieving high levels of excellence in presentations and publications; willingness and ability to work with research animals. basic competency in MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel and EndNote is a plus;
extensive knowledge of hematology, intracellular signaling, and gene regulation; familiar with techniques of molecular biology and biochemistry; experience with cell culture, cell biology techniques including FACS; previous animal experience a plus.
This position is to study intracellular signaling pathways that regulate the expression of human hemoglobin genes in a stage-specific manner. Our laboratory is focusing on the mechanisms that regulate the expression of human _eta-like globin genes (PNAS 98:1847, 2001, Exp Hem 32: 244, 2004). Experimental approaches include reporter gene assays, protein expression, and analysis of protein-DNA & protein-protein interactions using footprinting, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and chromosome conformation capture techniques. Also, the successful applicant will study the mechanism for human hemoglobin gene expression by creating transgenic mice. This position requires a strong background of molecular biology techniques as well as extensive knowledge on intracellular signaling and/or experience of handling mice and organizing mouse colonies. Salary range: $30,000 to negotiable (Salary to be commensurate with qualifications and experience of candidate). For more information, please contact: Dr. Tohru Ikuta at tikuta@mcg.edu.