本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.
A new assistant professor (Endowed Scholar) doing stem cell research at Physiology and Developmental Biology is looking for postdoc. The PI has identified several groups of new growth factors and a new surface marker for hematopoietic stem cells (including unpublished work), and developed the so far most efficient culture system to expand these stem cells. The long-term goal is understanding the regulation of cell fates of stem cells.
Specifically, our laboratory uses molecular, cellular, genetic, and biochemical approaches to explore the following directions:
1) Ex vivo expansion of mouse and human hematopoietic stem cells for cell therapy and gene therapy
2) Hematopoietic stem cells and in vivo microenvironment
3) Stem cells and cancer
4) Other stem cells
The ideal candidate should be highly motivated and have a strong background in cell culture and/or cancer research. The successful candidate will have the freedom to play a leadership role in both new and existing projects, and have opportunity to be involved in multidisciplinary efforts and collaborations.
As one of the world's foremost biomedical research institutions, UT Southwestern provides excellent opportunities for scientific interactions. The outstanding faculty includes four Nobel Prize laureates and 16 members of the National Academy of Sciences.
Interested individuals please send curriculum vitae, publication list, and names and contact info of three references to:
Dr. Cheng Cheng (Alec) Zhang
e-mail: czhang@wi.mit.edu
Representative pulications of PI:
Zhang CC, Kaba M, Ge G, Xie K, Tong W, Hug C, Lodish HF. 2006. Angiopoietin-like proteins stimulate ex vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells. Nature Medicine 12: 240-245.
Zhang CC, Steele AD, Lindquist S, Lodish HF. 2006. Prion protein is expressed on long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells and is important for their self-renewal. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 103: 2184-2189.
Posted by Alec Chengcheng Zhang (czhang@wi.mit.edu)