
Tulane University ポスドク募集

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION is available to study the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying development. We have generated mouse models to study the roles of the bHLH transcription factors Hand1 and Hand2 and found that their loss leads to abnormal development of numerous neural crest derived tissues including the peripheral nervous system, heart, and face. The Hand genes also play a key role in development of lateral mesoderm derivatives, including limbs. Of particular interest to the laboratory is development of peripheral nervous system and heart although we are using our models to examine the role of the Hand genes in other tissues. In addition to our work on the transcriptional networks regulating development, we are examining the signal transduction pathways regulating the transcriptional networks. The BMP pathway is currently our primary focus. The laboratory is currently small; 1 postdoc (Japanese), 2 graduate students, technician and 1 or 2 undergraduate studen!
ts. The department is well equipped (http://www.tulane.edu/~cellmol/index.html) and has its own transgenic/ES cell facility for generation of animal models. We are located on the main campus in, an area New Orleans that did not flood during Katrina. Experience in molecular biology is essential and working knowledge of mouse embryos is preferred. Send CV and names of three references to: Peter Cserjesi, Ph.D., Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Tulane University, New Orleans at pcserj@tulane.edu.

Posted by Peter Cserjesi (pcserj@tulane.edu)


M.I.N.D. Institute ポスドク募集

My laboratory is looking for a responsible, highly motivated post-doctor to study issues related to Alzheimer’s disease and Rett syndrome. We are interested in small molecule compounds that recognize amyloid oligomers and inhibit amyloid toxicity. We are designing novel methods to select these compounds. We also use small molecules as probes to perform high resolution imaging of cellular amyloid. Other projects in the laboratory involve abnormal microglia and astrocyte functions in neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism and Rett syndrome.

Dr. Jin is affiliated with the M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute (http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/mindinstitute/ )and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center (http://alzheimer.ucdavis.edu/) at University of California Davis. Many collaborative efforts are ongoing to understand autism and Alzheimer’s disease. It is an enriched environment for post-doctoral training. If you are interested, please send your CV to Dr. Maezawa at imaezawa@ucdavis.edu.

Lee-Way Jin, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
M.I.N.D. Institute and Dept of Pathology
2805 50th Street
UC Davis Health System
Sacramento, CA 95817

Posted by Izumi Maezawa (imaezawa@ucdavis.edu)


Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集 Nemours Biomedical Research, Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE

2004年に始めた新しいラボです(NIH funded/also supported by Nemours Cardiac Center)。現在PIの私と二人の中国人ポスドク(MD、PhD)の3人でマウスを使った心不全のモデルを用いて、Extracellular matrixと細胞(myocytes and fibroblasts)間のsignaling pathwaysをin vivoとin vitroの両方の系で研究しています。このポジションは、American Heart Association Grant in Aid (PI: Tsuda)でサポートされます(2年間)。当ラボでは、hard workとPIとの緊密なdiscussionを重視しています。但し公用語は英語。このポジションに興味のある方には、メールにてAHA GrantのSpecific Aimsのページをお送り致します。

募集人数: 1名。
応募資格: MDもしくはPhD取得者(Physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry or pathology. またはそれに準ずる研究歴のあるもの)。
待遇: Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children (affiliated to Thomas Jefferson University)の規定による。年棒はポスドクの場合3万5千ドル程度。
就任時期: なるべく早く(今年中)
応募書類: (1) CV (including the name of 3 referees) and (2) Personal statement.
連絡先:  津田 武 (ttsuda@nemours.org)
Takeshi Tsuda, M.D.
Pediatric Cardiologist, Nemours Cardiac Center
Lab Head, Molecular Cardiology Laboratory, Nemours Biomedical Research
Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children
1600 Rockland Rd, Wilmington, DE 19803
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Tel: (302)651-6677, FAX: (302)651-5345
Email: ttsuda@nemours.org, tsudata04@yahoo.co.jp(日本語可)

投稿者:津田 武(ttsuda@nemours.org)


St.Jude Children's Research Hospital ポスドク募集

現在、私どものラボ(Dr. Mark Bix)では、ポスドクを募集しております。
興味を持たれた方は、Dr.Bix (mark.bix@stjude.org) までお問い合わせください。

The Bix lab studies the development and function of CD4 T cells. The lab uses genetic, cellular, biochemical and organismic approaches to understand how different subsets of effector T cells arise from a common “nai¨ve” progenitor and how the immune response is affected when this process is perturbed. Toward this end, the recent focus has been on the developmental regulation of cytokine genes that are differentially expressed in distinct effector T cell subsets.
The qualified candidate will pursue transgenic approaches to targeting transcription factors to specific genetic loci in order to perform functional analyses. Immunological experience is not required. However, individuals with expertise in molecular biology, protein biochemistry and gene targeting will be favored.

Baguet, A., Epler, J., Wa-Wen, K. and Bix, M. (2004) A Leishmania major resistance locus identified by interval-specific congenic mapping of a TH2 bias controlling QTL. J. Exp. Med. 200:1605-1611.

Bix, M., Kim, S. and Rao, A. (2005) Opposites attract: cytokine transcription in differentiating T cells. Science 308:1563-1565.

Koyanagi, M., Baguet, A., Martens, J., Margueron, R., Jenuwein, T. and Bix, M. (2005) EZH2 and H3-tri-methyl lysine 27 associated with Il4 and Il13 gene silencing in TH1 cells. J Biol Chem. 280:31470-31477.

Baguet, A., Sun, X., Arroll, T., Krumm, A. and Bix, M. (2005) Intergenic transcription is not required in TH2 cells to maintain histone acetylation and transcriptional permissiveness at the Il4-Il13 locus. Journal of Immunology. 175:8146-8153.

Please submit a CV, research summary and 3 references.

Mark Bix, Ph.D.
Assistant Member
Immunology Department
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
MS #351, 570 St. Jude Place, Room E7064
Memphis, TN 38105

投稿者:小柳 円(madoka.koyanagi@stjude.org)


Emory University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

Division of Cardiology
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta GA
血管における酸化ストレスの役割について生化学、細胞分子生物学、遺伝子操作マウスなどの手法を用いて活発な研究を行っています。特に 1)遺伝子操作マウスを用いた活性酸素による心血管病態(高血圧,炎症) に関する研究、2)酸化ストレスを介した細胞内シグナル伝達機構の解明に関するプロジェクトが進行中です。
Masuko Ushio-Fukai, PhD,FAHA
Division of Cardiology,
Emory University School of Medicine,
101 Woodruff Circle, WMB319
Atlanta GA 30322



University of Pennsylvania ポスドク募集


ポスドク募集 University of Pennsylvania

insulin/mechanical signal transductionの研究に興味を持つポスドクを募集しています。cell biology、biophysicsの手法を用いて以下のプロジェクトが進行中です。
1) GLUT4のtranslocation/activationのメカニズム
2) 脂肪細胞分化のシグナル

[ 募集人数 ] 1名
[ 応募資格 ] MDあるいはPhD(取得見込みも含む)
[ 待遇 ] University of Pennsylvania の規定による
American Diabetes Associationのグラントでサポートします
[ 応募書類 ] 英語でお願いします
       1) 履歴書(持っているtechnicを含む)と研究業績目録
        2) これまでの研究の概要と今後の展望
       3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(Tel, E-mail アドレス)
[ 就任時期 ] なるべく早い時期
[ 連絡先 ] 船木 真理 (funaki@mail.med.upenn.edu)(日本語可)

Makoto Funaki, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Associate
The Institute for Medicine and Engineering
University of Pennsylvania
1142 Vagelos, 3340 Smith Walk
Philadelphia, PA, 19104
TEL (215)573-9787
FAX (215)573-7227
E-mail funaki@mail.med.upenn.edu

投稿者:Makoto Funaki (funaki@mail.med.upenn.edu)


University of Wisconsin-Madison Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral/Visiting Scholar Position
Department of Oncology
McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research
University of Wisconsin, Madison
A postdoctoral/visiting scholar position is available immediately to study transcriptional regulation of estrogen receptor signaling pathways by nuclear receptor co-factors. At the cellular level, we are interested in understanding the molecular underpinnings of co-regulators’ action and biology in ER-involved processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation and cell cycle control. At the molecular level, we are exploring the molecular mechanisms whereby histone arginine methylation takes part in the epigenetic control of cancer cells (Recent publications: Genes & Development (2004) 18: 144-156; Science (2001), 294: 2507-2511). For additional information, see http://mcardle.oncology.wisc.edu/faculty/bio/xu_w.html. A variety of model systems including in vitro reconstituted chromatin-based transcription system, cultured cancer cells and mice model will be employed in our future studies. Candidate should have a Ph.D. or equivalent with a solid background in bioc!
hemistry and molecular biology. Familiarity with techniques in molecular biology, cell migration and invasion assays and chromatin structure analysis is desirable. Experience with mouse cancer models is desirable but not mandatory. Highly motivated individuals should send curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research and career interests, and the names and contact information of three references by email to: Dr. Wei Xu (wxu@oncology.wisc.edu) or by Mail to: Department of Oncology, 1400 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53706-1599, U.S.A. Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis until position is filled.

Posted by Wei Xu (wxu@oncology.wisc.edu)


Imperial College London ポスドク募集

Imperial College London (UK)
Renal Medicine Section, Division of Medicine
Salary Range £22,870 - £26,120/1year

私の知り合いのDr George Bou-Ghariosがポスドクを探しています。ラボの詳細はホームページを参照してください(http://wwwfom.sk.med.ic.ac.uk/medicine/people/g.gharios/)。興味のある方は私か(h.nakamura@imperial.ac.uk) George(g.gharios@imperial.ac.uk)に連絡してください。

Applications are invited for a Post Doctoral Scientist to work with Dr George Bou-Gharios and his team on understanding the regulation of Collagen type I in fibrotic diseases. The post is funded for 24 months and is based in the Renal Medicine Section of the Division of Medicine, Imperial College London on the Hammersmith Campus located in East Acton. The project will involve close collaboration with the Department of Rheumatology at the Royal Free Hospital.
The successful post-holder will hold a relevant BSc or equivalent degree and PhD and will have proven expertise in the use of standard cell and molecular biology and a working knowledge and experience in DNA analysis and transcription factor characterisation.

George Bou-Gharios, PhD.
Senior lecturer
Renal Medicine, Imperial College London
Hammersmith Campus, Du Cane Road
London W12 0NN, UK
Tel- 44-208-3832306 office

Hiroyuki Nakamura D.D.S. Ph.D.
Matrix Biology Department,
Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology Division, Imperial College London
1 Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London W6 8LH, United Kingdom
TEL: +44-(0)20-8383-4991 FAX: +44-(0)20-8383-4499
E-mail: h.nakamura@imperial.ac.uk 日本語OK



九州大学 生医研特任助教授の公募


生医研HP: http://www.bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp/
募集案内: http://www.srp.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ssp/index.html

照会は 生医研所長 吉開(yoshikai@bioreg.kyushu-u.ac.jp)



Case Western Reserve University ポスドク募集

Case Western Reserve Universityポスドク募集

オハイオ州クリーブランドにあるCase Western Reserve University, Department of Geneticsのラボでは意欲あるポスドクを一名募集しています。Xenopus laevis及びXenopus tropicalisをモデルシステムとして主に用い、Wnt情報伝達系の分子メカニズムの研究を通じて形態形成や細胞極性の問題に取り組んでいます。

PhDあるいはMD(取得見込みも含む)で当研究室の研究に興味がある方は、応募理由、英文履歴、論文リスト、Reference 連絡先(二名以上)、取得されている実験技術を書いてEmailでご連絡下さい。待遇はNIHおよび当大学の規定に依ります。生化学系の実験経験がある方の応募をお待ちしています。

玉井馨子 Keiko Tamai, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Genetics
School of Medicine
Email: keiko.tamai@case.edu

Zeng X, Tamai K, Doble B, Li S, Huang H, Habas R, Okamura H, Woodgett J, and He X. A dual-kinase mechanism for Wnt coreceptor phosphorylation and activation. Nature 2005; 438, 873-877

Tamai K, Zeng X, Liu C, Zhang X, Harada Y, Chang Z, and He X. A mechanism for Wnt co-receptor activation. Mol Cell 2004; 13, 149-156

Tamai K, Semenov M, Kato Y, Spokony R, Liu C, Katsuyama Y, Hess F, Saint-Jeannet JP, He X. LDL-receptor-related proteins in Wnt signal transduction. Nature 2000; 407, 530-535



University of Montreal ポスドク募集

A postdoctoral position is available at the Institute of Research in Immunology and Cancer for highly motivated individuals interested in studying the role of the tumor suppressor LKB1 in cell polarity and cancer, using C. elegans as a model. Our laboratory provides a dynamic and stimulating environment for research.

Candidates should hold a PhD and have a strong background in cell biology and/or molecular biology and/or genetics and/or biochemistry. Please include a CV and cover letter describing your interests in joining the laboratory when applying. Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Montreal is a cosmopolitan city world-class research centers and an interactive scientific community. Please visit http://iric.ca/Recherche/Unites_Recherche/Division_Cellulaire_EN.html for more information.

Posted by Jean-Claude Labbe (jc.labbe@umontreal.ca)


Cleveland Clinic ポスドク募集

米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Institute, 酒井lab では、研究意欲のあるポスドクを募集しています。プロジェクトのテーマとしては、細胞外マトリックスとそのレセプターであるインテグリンの機能連関及びその下流で機能するシグナル分子の機能解析、また間葉系幹細胞の分化を規定する因子の解析等を、ノックアウトマウス並びにトランスジェニックマウスの胎生期、創傷治癒及び発癌過程をモデルとしてin vivoで進めています。また、新たなるノックアウトマウスの作製も積極的に推進しています。リサーチの内容の詳細並びに最近の業績は、(EMBO J 23:2166-2174,2004; Genes Dev 17:926-940,2003; Nature Med 7:324-330,2001; PNAS 98:3808-3813,2001)を参照して下さい。細胞•分子生物学、実験病理学、またmolecular geneticsの経験のある方が望ましいですが、未だ2004年にスタートしたばかりの新しいラボなので、私がこのラボを有名にしてやるんだ、という気概のある人を期待しております。
米Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteに関しては、(http://www.lerner.ccf.org/)を参照して下さい。また、詳細については下記のメールアドレスに連絡してください。

[ 募集人数 ] 1−2名
[ 応募資格 ] 医学系、理学系、農学系博士号保持、または見込みの方。
[ 待遇 ] Cleveland Clinic, Lerner Research Instituteの規格による(社会保険完備)
[ 応募書類 ] 1) 履歴書と研究業績目録
        2) これまでの研究の概要並びに将来の研究の展望
       3) 推薦者3名の連絡先(TEL, Email address)
[ 就任時期 ] なるべく早い時期。相談可。

Takao SAKAI, M.D., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering/ND2-22,
Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 44195, U.S.A.
Email:sakait@ccf.org (Japanese available)



ネブラスカ大学 ポスドク募集

急募! ポスドク募集 ネブラスカ大学 (再募集)

我々の研究室では、シスプラチンやマイトマイシンCなどによって誘導されるDNA interstrand crosslinks (クロスリンク)のヒト細胞での修復機構の分子レベルでの解析を主におこなっております。試験管内クロスリンク修復反応を利用して、BRCA2、および、 Fanconi anemia (FA) 遺伝子群のクロスリンク修復における役割の解析を担っていただけるポスドクを2名募集いたします(NIHからの研究費でsupport)。

Bessho, T. (2003) DNA replication-mediated induction of double strand breaks near psoralen interstrand crosslinks in vitro. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 5250-5254

Motycka, T.A., Bessho, T., Post, S.M., Sung, P. and Tomkinson, A.E. (2004) Physical and functional interaction between the XPF/ERCC1 endonuclease and hRad52. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 13634-13639

Cipak, L., Watanabe, N. and Bessho, T. (2006) The role of BRCA2 in replication-coupled DNA interstrand crosslink repair in vitro. in press

[ 募集人数 ] 2名
[ 応募資格 ] 自然科学系博士号保持、または見込みの方。
[ 待遇 ] University of Nebraska Medical Center の規格による。
[ 応募書類 ] 
[ 就任時期 ] なるべく早い時期。相談可。
[ 連絡先] tbessho@unmc.edu (日本語可)


Tadayoshi Bessho Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Eppley Institute
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986805 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198-6805 USA

Tel (402)559-7018
FAX (402)559-8270

投稿者:別所忠昌 (tbessho@unmc.edu)


Harvard Medical School ポスドク募集

Post-doctoral Position
Dept. of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Harvard Medical School

A post-doctoral position is available in the Wei lab at Dept. of Pathology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School starting Oct. 1st, 2006. The lab’s focus is on understanding how Ubiquitin E3 ligase APC (Wei et al., Nature 428, 194, 2004) and SCF (Wei et al., Cancer Cell 8, 25, 2005) activities contribute to cell cycle regulation and subsequent tumor formation. Future projects in the lab engage the use of biochemistry, molecular biology and genetic approaches, cell culture techniques and mouse modeling. Therefore, energetic applicants with strong experimental background in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology and/or genetics are encouraged to apply.

Dr. Wei is looking for self-motivated individuals to become involved in the challenging and rewarding environment of the laboratory. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to play a major role in the organization and expansion of a new and exciting research program, and will be exposed to many cutting edge technologies including gene expression analysis, protein purification, proteomics, bioinformatics and mouse modeling. This will be a great opportunity for recent and upcoming Ph.D. and/or M.D. graduates who are interested in an academic career in biomedical research. It is also an ideal position for those interested in a career in pharmaceutical companies or biotechnologies. The successful applicant must be able to work independently as well as within a group. The environment of the lab allows for a great deal of interaction with the principal investigator, other members of the lab and other researchers within the Harvard Medical School campus.

Please send your CV/resume and at least two references to Wenyi_Wei@dfci.harvard.edu. Qualified applicants will be contacted soon after receiving their information.

Posted by Wenyi Wei (Wenyi_Wei@dfci.harvard.edu)

« 2006年06月 | 最新の10件 | 2006年08月 »


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