University of Massachusetts Medical School ポスドク募集
Postdoctoral Position to Study the Assembly, Trafficking and Function of KCNQ1-KCNE K+ channel complexes.
KCNE peptides assemble with a host of voltage-gated K+ channels to form K+ conducting complexes with varied gating properties and physiological roles. Mutations that disrupt the assembly, trafficking and function of the complex give rise to several disease states. The Kobertz lab utilizes a combination of methods (electrophysiology, membrane biochemistry, immunofluorescence and organic synthesis) to investigate the structure, function, assembly and trafficking of several membrane-embedded K+ channel complexes.
Position requires a Ph. D. in biophysics, physiology, biochemistry or related field. Hands on experience with patch clamp recording (whole cell and excised patch) from mammalian cells is required. Applicants are expected to design and conduct experiments independently.