
University of Nebraska Medical Center ポスドク募集

急募! ポスドク募集 ネブラスカ大学

我々の研究室では、シスプラチンやマイトマイシンCなどによって誘導されるDNA interstrand crosslinks (クロスリンク)のヒト細胞での修復機構の分子レベルでの解析を主におこなっております。試験管内クロスリンク修復反応を利用して、BRCA2、および、Fanconi anemia (FA) 遺伝子群のクロスリンク修復における役割の解析を担っていただけるポスドクを1〜2名募集いたします(NIHからの研究費でsupport)。現在、大学院生2人、ポスドク2人、テクニシャン1人の構成です。興味のある方はご連絡ください。


Tadayoshi Bessho Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Eppley Institute
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986805 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198-6805 USA

Tel (402)559-7018
FAX (402)559-8270

E-mail: tbessho@unmc.edu



University of Massachusetts Medical School ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position to Study the Assembly, Trafficking and Function of KCNQ1-KCNE K+ channel complexes.

KCNE peptides assemble with a host of voltage-gated K+ channels to form K+ conducting complexes with varied gating properties and physiological roles. Mutations that disrupt the assembly, trafficking and function of the complex give rise to several disease states. The Kobertz lab utilizes a combination of methods (electrophysiology, membrane biochemistry, immunofluorescence and organic synthesis) to investigate the structure, function, assembly and trafficking of several membrane-embedded K+ channel complexes.

Position requires a Ph. D. in biophysics, physiology, biochemistry or related field. Hands on experience with patch clamp recording (whole cell and excised patch) from mammalian cells is required. Applicants are expected to design and conduct experiments independently.

Posted by William R. Kobertz Ph. D. (william.kobertz@umassmed.edu)


University of Michigan Research fellow募集


Conduct supervised research projects in the area of cell and molecular biology of bone formation/regeneration involving animal models. Read and analyze current literature related to the research. Write results in manuscript form for publication. Research objectives may be flexible depending on the applicant's research experiences and congruence with overall laboratory objectives. Successful candidates will be a highly motivated individual with strong research capabilities.

Preference will be given to candidates with a PhD or equivalent in cell, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology, or a closely related discipline. Basic background in molecular biology including protein, RNA, DNA purifications, immunoblotting, mammalian cell culture, immunohistochemistry, and experience working with animal models. Publication record in English language, peer-reviewed journals is desirable. Good writing skills, a reliable work history, and a willingness and demonstrated ability to acquire new skills.
Please send a cover letter and resume electronically to yamashit@umich.edu

Junro Yamashita, DDS, MS, PhD.
Assistant Professor
Division of Prosthodontics
Dept. of Biologic Materials and Sciences
The University of Michigan

Posted by Junro Yamashita (yamashit@umich.edu)


University of Massachusetts Medical School ポスドク募集

A postdoctoral position is available to study the transcriptional control of energy metabolism and metabolic diseases in our laboratory at University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. Worcester is about 40 miles west of Boston and is the third largest city in New England area. Our research particularly focuses on the physiological roles of the PPAR subfamily of nuclear receptors, their mechanism of action, and their regulation by transcriptional co-factors. Please visit http://www.umassmed.edu/pgfe/faculty/wang.cfm for additional information. Candidates should have a Ph.D. and/or M.D and possess research experience in molecular biology or animal physiology.

Please forward your CV to:
Dr. Yong-Xu Wang
Program in Gene Function and Expression
Program in Molecular Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA 01605
Email: yongxu.wang@umassmed.edu

Posted by Yong-Xu Wang (YongXu.Wang@umassmed.edu)


University of Washington ポスドク募集


職種 ポストドクトラルフェロー
内容 1)早老症 (ワーナー症候群、ハッチソンギルフォード症候群、非定形ワーナー症候群 )の、分子細胞学、細胞生物学、並びに、実験動物学。

応募資格 医学部卒業または博士号取得者
応募人数 1名
採用時期 2006年9月以降
採用期間 2−3年

応募時の必要書類 1)応募者の履歴書

Junko Oshima, M.D., Ph.D.
Research Associate Professor
Department of Pathology, Box 357470
Health Sciences Building Rm K-543B
University of Washington School of Medicine
1959 NE Pacific St
Seattle, WA 98195-7470
Tel: (206) 616-4227 (Office)/(206) 685-2719 (Lab)
Fax: (206) 685-8356

投稿者:Junko Oshima(picard@u.washington.edu)


Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto ポスドク募集

One or two post-doctoral positions are available to work either on telomere maintenance (see Downey et al. Cell. 2006 Mar 24;124(6):1155-68) or on checkpoint signaling (Nature. 2006 Jan 26;439(7075):497-50). Our laboratory employ both budding yeast and mammalian model systems to study these pathways.

Toronto is a cosmopolitant city with world-class research centres and with a vibrant Japanese community.

Please send your CV including the name of at least 2 referees. The start date is flexible.

Posted by Daniel Durocher (durocher@mshri.on.ca)


武田薬品工業株式会社 薬理系グループリーダー、一般研究職募集

武田薬品工業株式会社・キャリア採用募集(薬理系 グループリーダーおよび一般研究職)


■ 募集内容
募集職種  薬理系(グループリーダーおよび一般研究職)
職務内容  医薬研究本部における創薬研究
応募資格  修士卒以上
1) 生化学・分子生物学に関する高度な専門知識・技術を有し、創薬ターゲットの発掘や遺伝子機能の解明研究に活用できる能力を有する方。さらに、薬理学、生理学、特にガン・中枢疾患または生活習慣病領域の専門知識・技術を有する研究経験者が望ましい。
2) 病態モデル動物作成・薬効評価、特に糖尿病関連、肥満症、動脈硬化症、ガン、泌尿器疾患、循環器疾患、脳・心血管障害、老人性痴呆症、骨関節疾患の生化学・分子生物学及び薬理学の専門知識・技術を有する研究経験者。
年齢    グループリーダー(博士号保持者)は40歳位まで、一般研究者は35歳位まで。

■ 詳しい情報等につきましては、キャリアプランニングプログラム@サンフランシスコ(CPP2006@SF)のHP (http://www.bid-cpp.com) をご覧になって下さい。なお、応募締切は「2006年5月10日(水)日本時間 厳守」ですのでご注意下さい。

■ 応募に関する問い合わせ先
  〒532-8686 大阪市淀川区十三本町二丁目17番85号
  武田薬品工業株式会社 医薬研究本部 医薬業務部 人材開発グループ
  キャリアプランニングプログラム (担当:藤澤)
  TEL 06-6300-6722
  E-mail fujisawa_miho@takeda.co.jp

■ 弊社についての詳しい情報は武田薬品ホームページをご覧ください。
  URL http://www.takeda.co.jp/

投稿者:Kanae Muraiso, Ph.D. (kmuraiso@bioinfodesign.com@bioinfodesign.com)


武田薬品工業株式会社 中枢神経研究者グループリーダー、一般研究職募集

武田薬品工業株式会社・キャリア採用募集(中枢神経研究 グループリーダーおよび一般研究職)


■ 募集内容
募集職種  中枢神経研究者(グループリーダーおよび一般研究職)
職務内容  中枢神経系薬剤の創薬薬理研究
応募資格  修士卒以上
1) 中枢神経系疾患を対象とした研究経験を有する方。特に神経変性疾患(アルツハイマー病、パーキンソン病など)や精神疾患(うつ、不安、統合失調症など)を対象とした研究経験と高度な専門知識・技術を有するin vivo薬理研究者が望ましい。
2) 研究グループ(5〜10名)においてリーダーシップを発揮できる方、または1、2年後にグループリーダーとして期待できる方。
年齢    グループリーダー(博士号保持者)は40歳位まで、一般研究者は35歳位まで。

■ 詳しい情報等につきましては、キャリアプランニングプログラム@サンフランシスコ(CPP2006@SF)のHP (http://www.bid-cpp.com) をご覧になって下さい。なお、応募締切は「2006年5月10日(水)日本時間 厳守」ですのでご注意下さい。

■ 応募に関する問い合わせ先
  〒532-8686 大阪市淀川区十三本町二丁目17番85号
  武田薬品工業株式会社 医薬研究本部 医薬業務部 人材開発グループ
  キャリアプランニングプログラム (担当:藤澤)
  TEL 06-6300-6722
  E-mail fujisawa_miho@takeda.co.jp

■ 弊社についての詳しい情報は武田薬品ホームページをご覧ください。
  URL http://www.takeda.co.jp/

投稿者:Kanae Muraiso, Ph.D. (kmuraiso@bioinfodesign.com@bioinfodesign.com)


キャリア・プランニング・プログラム2006@サンフランシスコ 開催のお知らせ

キャリア・プランニング・プログラム2006@サンフランシスコ 開催のお知らせ

米国に留学をされている研究者の皆様に、アカデミアのみならず、日本の産業界にも非常に魅力的なポジションが多数存在していることを知っていただくためのプログラムです。講演会では「博士研究者の就職活動入門」「博士研究者のバイオビジネス入門」「博士研究者のキャリアパスの多様化」といったテーマを中心に専門家の方々に具体的にお話しをいただく予定です。また、企業ガイダンス、展示会、交流会を通して、参加者の皆さんに実際に将来のキャリアプランを御検討いただくことができます。参加団体・企業の多くは大手製薬会社をはじめとする、実際に博士研究者を探されている企業の方々です。御好評をいただいた昨年のメリーランド州ベセスダでの開催に続き、今回はサンフランシスコベイエリアで開催いたします。多数の研究者の皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。詳しくは http://www.bid-cpp.com/ をご覧下さい

【日  時】2006年5月26日(金)〜28日(日)
【場  所】シェラトンゲートウェイホテル サンフランシスコ国際空港
【 U R L 】http://www.bid-cpp.com/

  主催: Bio-Info-design, Inc.
     (米国国内)InfiniteBio, Inc.
  協力: 近鉄インターナショナルトラベル、羊土社

投稿者:Kanae Muraiso, Ph.D. (info@bioinfodesign.com)


University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio ポスドク募集


This mentored position will empower the candidate to create and analyze complex conditional genetic mouse models of pediatric cancers for the purpose of developing novel molecular therapies. The primary project for this project is understanding the role of growth factors in the progression of the childhood brain tumor, medulloblastoma. Using conditional alleles to activate oncogenes or inactivate tumor suppressors in restricted neural stem cell subtypes before or after birth, the candidate will determine the cell of origin of medulloblastoma, as well as the role of neighboring cells in determining histological subtype. The principal focus is to examine the role of specific tyrosine receptor kinases in tumor proliferation and metastasis. The candidate will elucidate the time sequence of tumor progression and metastasis via state of the art small animal imaging tools. Employing genetics, molecular biology, and functional genomics the candidate will identify critical factors o!
f tumor maintenance and tumor progression from which new therapies can be developed.

The Keller laboratory, located in the Childrens Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA), has excellent resources and a strong commitment to training motivated postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Keller is a board-certified pediatric hematologist-oncologist and prior trainee of Mario R. Capecchi, the inventor of the knockout mouse. The CCRI provides state of the art research facilities and a highly interactive scientific community. This $45M freestanding institute, with a $200M endowment from the State of Texas, is lead by the previous Pediatric Oncology Group Chair, Dr. Sharon B. Murphy.

The CCRI and UTHSCSA provide an environment to collaborate with other groups in a variety of related disciplines from cancer development and genomic instability to cell cycle, cell biology and aging. As part of UTHSCSA, a highly motivated successful individual will be able to develop several areas of expertise.

Candidates with experience in molecular biology or biochemistry are desirable. Salary is commensurate with the National Institutes of Health salary scale and includes competitive benefits. Applicants should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae and a list of at least three references, including telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, to the following address:

Charles Keller, MD
Assistant Professor,
Department of Cellular & Structural Biology
Children's Cancer Research Institute -
The University of Texas Health Science Center

7703 Floyd Curl Drive , MC7783
San Antonio , TX 78229-3900
210-562-9062 [office]
210-562-9014 [fax]
Email: kellerc2@uthscsa.edu
http://ccri.uthscsa.edu or

Posted by Charles Keller, MD (kellerc2@uthscsa.edu)


New Jersey Medical School ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral Position
Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine
UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, New Jersey

One position is open to study the link between DNA damage checkpoint response, telomere control, and aging using yeast and mammalian cells.

See recent our papers; Science (2001) 294:867-870; JBC (2002) 277:40362-40367; Genes & Dev (2003) 17: 1957-1962; Nature (2003) 424:1078-1083; MCB (2004) 24: 10016-10025; MBC (2005) 16:5227-5235; Current Biology (2006) 16:586-590.

Visit our department web site (http://njms.umdnj.edu/departments/cell_biology_and_molecular_medicine/index.cfm).
Our department is ranked 21st among Cell Biology/Anatomy departments in US medical schools (http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/award/rank/anatomy04.htm).

The successful applicant will have a graduate degree (PhD, MD or MD/PhD) in the biological sciences with proven proficiency in cell/molecular techniques using yeast and/or mammalian cells. Interested candidates should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae with contact information for three references (name, address, phone and e-mail) by email to: Dr. Katsunori Sugimoto (sugimoka@umdnj.edu).

Posted by Katsunori Sugimoto


ニューヨーク州立大学 Stony Brook 校 ポスドク募集


ニューヨーク州立大学 Stony Brook 校 薬学部 (http://www.pharm.sunysb.edu/)

当研究室では、主に Wnt/beta-catenin シグナル伝達経路の脊椎動物の発生や人の疾病における役割に関する研究を、マウスや培養細胞を用いて行っています。現在は、特に、beta-catenin 転写抑制因子 Chibby のノックアウトマウスやトランスジェニックマウスの解析、および相互作用する因子の単離、解析を中心とした研究を行っています。ニューヨーク州立大学 Stony Brook 校では、多くの研究室が、マウス、ゼブラフィッシュ、アフリカツメガエル、ショウジョウバエなどを用いて発生生物学を研究しており、共同研究も盛んに行われています(http://www.osa.sunysb.edu/)。








竹丸 憲一
SUNY at Stony Brook
Dept. of Pharmacology BST 7-168
Nicolls Rd.
Stony Brook, NY 11794-8651
Phone: (631)444-7976
Fax: (631)444-3218
E-mail: takemaru@pharm.sunysb.edu

Takemaru et al., Nature, vol 422, p 905-909, 2003
竹丸憲一、山口真二、細胞工学、 vol 22, p 646-647, 2003



National Institutes of Health ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral position in Structural Immunobiology at NIH

A postdoctoral fellow position is immediately available in Dr. Xiao's lab for a highly motivated individual with a strong interest in signaling mechanisms of the innate immune responses. The projects aim to elucidate how the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) senses pathogenic epitopes and how does this recognition initiate downstream signaling cascades. There have been renewed interests in innate immunity since the discovery of the Toll-like receptors in mammals. It is now recognized that the innate immune system serves as the gatekeeper for the defense against microbe infections. One of the paradox of the innate immune receptors is that they are specific for each types of pathogen antigens, whereas not too stringent to render them non-responsive to similar but different epitopes. How do the receptors achieve such “broad” specificity is among the most important questions structural biologists could strive to answer. In addition, as encountering of infection is sensed inside of the cells, the signaling cascade on the cytoplasm side need to initiate appropriate responses to various pathogens. One of the best approaches to decipher the signaling network is through studying protein-protein interactions, using X-ray crystallography integrated into other biophysical and biochemical techniques.

The PI was trained in X-ray crystallography and has background in structural studies of signaling complexes (Cell 99:545; Cell 112:99) and receptor glycoproteins (Nature 432:59). The lab will be primarily structure oriented, supplemented with functional studies. The lab is fully funded and equipped with state-of-the-art protein expression, purification and crystallization instruments, including a specialized crystallization device that uses the free-interface diffusion method such that nano-liters of samples are consumed per crystallization experiment. NIH has a regularly scheduled and generous beam time slot at the APS synchrotron in Chicago. The flagship Laboratory of Immunology and NIAID has the most advanced tools and equipments for in vitro and in vivo immunology research. The research infra-structure at NIH is among the best for immunology and structural biology oriented researchers. There are numerous opportunities for collaboration and acquiring new skills in more than 1200 labs at 27 Institutes and Centers. NIH also has one of the most diverse groups of international researchers.

The ideal candidate must have a Ph.D. in X-ray crystallography/biochemistry/biophysics and extensive experience in crystallization, data collection, phasing, model building and refinement, and structure analysis. Knowledge in molecular biology and protein expression/purification is desirable. The candidate must possess excellent written and oral communication skills, and will be expected to work in a diverse and highly collaborative environment. Salary will be highly competitive and commensurate with experience, along with excellent fringe benefits.

For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Xiao through e-mail: xiaot@niaid.nih.gov

Tsan “Sam” Xiao, Ph.D.
Chief, Structural Immunobiology Section
Laboratory of Immunology
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Building 4, Room 138
4 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892

Phone: 301-594-2096
FAX: 301-480-1291
E-mail: xiaot@niaid.nih.gov

Posted by Tsan "Sam" Xiao, Ph.D. (xiaot@niaid.nih.gov)


University of British Columbia ポスドク募集


A funded postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences at the University of British Columbia (UBC). We are investigating new gene and cell therapy approaches to treat diabetes, with areas of interest including beta-cell regeneration and stem cell approaches. See the Kieffer lab web page at www.diabetes.ubc.ca for additional details on current projects and research areas that are being pursued. The Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Medicine is located within the new Life Sciences Centre and provides exceptional space and resources. Applicants must have a PhD or MD, a strong background in the field of diabetes or obesity, relevant publications, excellent communication and organizational abilities and the ability to work as part of a team. Previous experience in pancreas development, stem cell biology, cell culture, molecular biology, viral vectors, gut peptides, or assessment of energy expenditure in rodents will be an asset!
. The stipend will be commensurate with qualifications. UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity; we encourage all qualified persons to apply. Please email a cover letter indicating research skills and interests, along with a complete CV and contact info for 3 references to tim.kieffer@ubc.ca

Posted by Timothy Kieffer (tim.kieffer@ubc.ca)


Cleveland Clinic ポスドク募集

Postdoctoral position at the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, U.S.A.

A postdoctoral position is available in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation to study cell-extracellular matrix interactions during development, tissue repair and carcinogenesis using in vivo transgenic mouse models. We utilize extensive mouse genetic studies as well as a wide range of biochemical, cellular and molecular approaches Please refer to our recent articles for further information (EMBO J 23:2166-2174,2004; Genes Dev 17:926-940,2003; Nature Med 7:324-330,2001; PNAS 98:3808-3813,2001).

Applicants with a strong background in cell and molecular biology, and molecular genetics are encouraged to apply. Extensive experience in extracellular matrix, integrins or related field is desirable. Applications with limited experience but highly motivated with strong work ethic may also be considered.

The Cleveland Clinic Foundation Lerner Research Institute and affiliated institutions provide an outstanding interactive environment for biomedical research training, with state-of-the-art support facilities and competitive salaries and benefits (http://www.lerner.ccf.org/).

Send curriculum vitae, a description of research accomplishments and interests, and the names and telephone numbers, and E-mail address of three references to:
Takao SAKAI, M.D., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biomedical Engineering/ND2-22,
Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation,
9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland OH 44195,
Email:sakait@ccf.org (Japanese available)



Washington University School of Medicine ポスドク募集

A postdoctoral position is available to study vertebrate neural development in the laboratory of Kristen L. Kroll at Washington University School of Medicine. We use Xenopus laevis embryos and mouse embryonic stem cells to analyze molecular signals that maintain neural progenitor cells and direct their commitment and differentiation into neurons in the forming embryo. A major current focus is studying how protein complexes that regulate chromatin structure affect transcriptional regulation during neurogenesis. To find out more about us, please see our lab web site: http://molecool.wustl.edu/krolllab/

Our laboratory is an academic setting in the Department of Molecular Biology and Pharmacology at Washington University School of Medicine (St. Louis). Washington University is an internationally recognized research institution (see http://medicine.wustl.edu/). We have a dynamic research environment with extensive infrastructural and core facility support. Salary is commensurate with experience with seven paid holidays a year, twenty-two paid vacation days, group health insurance, life insurance, and a basic retirement plan with university contribution (after two years). (see http://aladdin.wustl.edu/medadmin/hr/benefits.nsf). The St. Louis area combines the attractions of a major city with family-friendly and affordable lifestyle opportunities (see http://www.stlouis.com/).

Candidates should hold a recent PhD with solid technical training in biochemistry/molecular biology and a strong interest in developmental biology/ developmental neurobiology. Applicants living in the US and US citizens are preferred. Interested candidates may send a CV, list of publications and names of three references by email to kkroll@wustl.edu or by regular mail to Kristen L. Kroll, Washington University School of Medicine, Campus Box 8103, 660 S. Euclid Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110.

Posted by Kristen Kroll (kkroll@wustl.edu)

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