
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Postdoc募集

ミネソタ州ロチェスターにあるMayo Clinic College of Medicine, Molecular Medicine ProgramのDr. Kah-Whye Peng のラボでは新規RO1グラントの取得につき、1-2名の意欲あるポスドクを募集しております。

主な研究テーマは新規癌標的化ウイルスおよび非ウイルスベクターの開発で、このうち麻疹ウイルスを使ったoncolytic virotherapy のPhase I clinical trial が現在卵巣癌でおこなわれており、脳腫瘍、骨髄腫に対するtrial も近々開始される予定です。当ラボでは特にnon-invasive monitoring にも力をいれており、bioluminescence imaging , SPECT, micro PETなども気軽に利用できる環境です。


興味のある方は直接Dr. Peng まで、あるいは日本語でご質問のある方は長谷川まで連絡していただいても結構です。
詳細は以下のDr. Peng ご本人からの文をを参考にしてください。

1-2 Postdoctoral Positions Available

Motivated postdoctoral research fellows are invited to join the gene therapy laboratory of Dr. Kah-Whye Peng at Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA, to develop viruses and nanoparticles for ovarian cancer and multiple myeloma therapy.
Projects include:
1) Retargeting vectors/nanoparticles to sites of tumor angiogenesis.
2) Immune evasion strategies to allow efficient systemic virus delivery in the face of pre-existing anti-measles immunity.
Nat Biotechnol.2005;23:209-14; Cancer Res. 2002; 62:4656-62.; Nat Med. 2002;8:527-31. (http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/staff/peng_k.cfm)

A strong background in molecular and cell biology is essential. Experience in molecular virology and/or immunology desired.

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine is a not-for-profit organization that integrates research with clinical practices and education in multi-campus environment. Mayo offers an attractive benefit package. Salary will be determined by the successful candidate's experience.

Please feel free to communicate any enquiries in Japanese with Dr. Kosei Hasegawa (hasegawa.kosei@mayo.edu).

Curriculum vitae, summary of past accomplishments, and the names and email addresses of three references, should be sent by email to Dr. Kah-Whye Peng (peng.kah@mayo.edu)
Dr. Kah-Whye Peng
Guggenheim 18
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN 55905, USA
Tel: +1-507-284-8537

投稿者:長谷川 幸清(hasegawa.kosei@mayo.edu)




Blood vessels play many essential roles in vertebrate organisms and are also directly involved in a range of disease conditions such as cancer. We are studying the signalling processes controlling blood vessel morphogenesis and, in particular, the interactions between the different cell types forming the vessel wall. This work involves genetic tissue-specific and inducible gain-of-function and loss-of-function studies in mice. To address the underlying molecular mechanisms, we also employ a wide range of other techniques such as immunohistochemistry, confocal/time-lapse microscopy, cell/tissue culture, biochemistry and molecular biology. We are particularly interested in the function of Eph/ephrin molecules, Notch signalling, pathways controlling cell adhesion and motility as well novel regulators of the angiogenic programme.
During the last five years, research from the Vascular Development Laboratory has been published in leading journals such as Nature, Nature Genetics, Cell and Developmental Cell.
More information can be found under the following link:

We invite applications by enthusiastic and committed prospective postdoctoral fellows who wish to join our expanding research team and work on one of the research subjects mentioned above.
Postdoctoral training fellowships, tenable for three years with the option of further extension, are available during 2006. Starting salaries for fellows are in the range of £22,250 - £32,000 (depending on experience).
Please send your applications, which should in include your CV, a short summary of your current research and research interests and the names of the referees for reference letters, to Dr Ralf Adams (ralf.adams@cancer.org.uk), Vascular Development Laboratory
CANCER RESEARCH UK London Research Institute, 44 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX, United Kingdom.

The London Research Institute (LRI) is one of the leading European research laboratories and based right in the centre of London. The LRI houses almost 50 research groups and provides outstanding central research support facilities, which include FACS, bioinformatics, mass spectrometry and proteomics, protein and peptide synthesis, electron and light microscopy, DNA sequence analysis, DNA microarrays, histopathology and the production of genetically modified mice.

Posted by Ralf Adams (ralf.adams@cancer.org.uk)


自治医科大学臨床薬理学 ポスドク募集

本求人は候補者が決定したため募集を打ち切りました。This advertisement was withdrawn because the position has been filled.

 当研究室では、網羅的遺伝子発現解析により薬物による有害反応のメカニズムを解明し、さらに治療法を開発することを目的としてトキシコゲノミクス研究を行っています。まだ立ち上がったばかりの若い研究分野ですが、一緒にこの研究分野を開拓していく意欲的なポスド クを1名募集します。薬学・毒性学あるいは分子生物学的な手法を修得 された方を希望しますが、過去の研究との関連性は問いませんので、興味のある方は どうぞ御相談下さい。

自治医科大学は学生数は1千名を超え(医学部学生約600名・看護学部約400名・修士博士課程の学生若干名)、医学部附属病院の病床数は1082床、 32の 診療科があり、栃木県最大規模を誇る医学部を 中心とした私立総合大学です。大学は県南の下野市に位置しています。下野市は四季の移り変わりの美しさと都市の利便性 を兼ね備えており、新幹線の駅へのアクセスも良く、さらに在 来線でも上野までの乗車時間が約1.5時間であり、東京への通勤圏内にあります。以前、港区白金台へ帰 国された先生が混雑した日本の大都会へ身を置いてカルチャーショック のようなものを感じたとされていましたが、下野市周辺の景色はどことなく私の住んでおりましたメリーランド に似たところがあり、こうしたカルチャーショックはなく自然に生活になじめました。自治医科大学の周りには高い建物もほとんどなく住みや すい環境です。

大学の詳細に関しては大学のホームページ http://www.jichi.ac.jp/ をご参照ください。



[提出書類] (1)履歴書(CV) (2)研究業績リスト (3)これまでの研究概要 (4)推薦者2名の住所、所属、連絡先 詳しい問い合わせは下記連絡先の電子メールでお願いします。


待遇に関しては、当初大学のポスドク(月23万円くらい)で開始していただき、本年7-8月頃に厚生労働省科学研究費補助金枠の流動研究員(月 30-40万円程度)に応募していただく形になります。採用された場合には10月から流動研究員になり、不採用の場合には自治医大のポスドクを続けることになります。ポスドクのポジションは毎年更新で最大3年です。

連絡先 藤村昭夫 自治医科大学薬理学講座主任教授
         E-mail: akiofuji@jichi.ac.jp



University of Tennessee Postdoc募集

我々の研究室では、癌細胞(主に大腸癌)を用いてNSAIDsやPPARgammaリガンドならびEGCGやDIMなどの抗腫瘍活性を有する薬物や自然化合物の新規抗腫瘍メカニズムの解析を行っています。また、我々はNAG-1(NSAID-activated gene)遺伝子の機能解析を精力的に行っており、遺伝子操作マウスを用いて、NAG-1の抗腫瘍活性をIn vivoで証明すること試みています。詳しい研究内容に関しては、研究室のHP(http://www.vet.utk.edu/faculty/baek.shtml)をご覧下さい。





テネシー大学のあるノックスビルは、中規模の都市で、気候も日本に非常に近く住みやすい街です。ノックスビル周辺にはOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) や日本企業があるため、比較的多くの日本人が住んでいます。そのため、初めて米国で生活する人にとって、とても良い環境であると思います。また、近くの大都市はアトランタで、車で3時間程で行けます。
研究内容や生活環境に関して、更にご質問等ございましたら、直接Dr. Baekに訪ねるか、私宛にE-mailで問い合わせてくださっても結構です。
Seung J. Baek, Ph.D (sbaek2@utk.edu)
Kiyoshi Yamaguchi, Ph.D (kyamaguchi@utk.edu)(日本語可)

1. Yamaguchi K et al, Cancer Res, 2006;66:2376-84.
2. Baek SJ et al, Mol Pharmacol, 2005;67:356-64.
3. Yamaguchi K et al, J Biol Chem, 2004;279:49617-23.
4. Baek SJ et al, J Biol Chem, 2004;279:6883-92.
5. Baek SJ et al, J Biol Chem, 2003;278:5845-53.

Seung J Baek, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Department of Pathobiology
College of Veterinary Medicine
The University of Tennessee
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Office) 865-974-8216
email) sbaek2@utk.edu



UC Davis Postdoc募集

My laboratory is looking for a responsible, highly motivated post-doctor to study issues related to Alzheimer’s disease. We are interested in small molecule compounds that recognize amyloid oligomers and inhibit amyloid toxicity. We are designing novel methods to select these compounds. We also use small molecules as probes to perform high resolution imaging of cellular amyloid. Other projects in the laboratory involve abnormal microglia and astrocyte functions in neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism and Rett syndrome.

Dr. Jin is affiliated with the M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute (http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/mindinstitute/ )and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center (http://alzheimer.ucdavis.edu/) at University of California Davis. Many collaborative efforts are ongoing to understand autism and Alzheimer’s disease. It is an enriched environment for post-doctoral training. If you are interested, please send your CV to Dr. Maezawa at imaezawa@ucdavis.edu.

Lee-Way Jin, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
M.I.N.D. Institute and Dept of Pathology
2805 50th Street
UC Davis Health System
Sacramento, CA 95817

posted by Lee-Way Jin MD, Ph.D (lee-way.jin@ucdmc.ucdavis.edu)


京都府立医科大学 助手・講師募集


京都府立医科大学 大学院医学研究科 生体機能形態科学では、助手もしくは講師を募集いたします。

1. 研究テーマ
1) 機械的受容体としての繊毛機能の解明
2) FRETを用いた個体レベルでの分子挙動の観察

2. 応募資格
1) 博士の学位を有する方。ポストドクの経験のある方は歓迎します。

3. 採用時期、条件
1) 平成18年春
2) 医学部解剖学教育に関わりますので、組織学・人体解剖実習を担当できること。ただし、経験は必要としません。

4. 応募書類(メールでお送りください)
1) 履歴書
2) 業績リストと主要論文の別刷り

5. 問い合わせ先 および 応募先
602-8566 京都府京都市上京区河原町通り広小路上がる
京都府立医科大学 大学院医学研究科 生体機能形態科学
e-mail: tyoko@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp, tel: 075-251-5303



University of Texas Medical Branch Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study molecular mechanisms of aging in the GI tract. The emphasis of the laboratory is on understanding the effects of aging on normal intestinal or pancreatic cell homeostasis. A Ph.D. in biochemistry or cell and molecular biology is required. Experience in state-of-the-art molecular techniques, cell culture and in vivo models is required. In addition, other unique experience such as genomics and proteomics techniques and stem cell biology is preferred. The position offers an excellent, highly interactive and collaborative research environment with opportunity for career development. All applications should contain a current curriculum vitae, list of publications and the names and contact information of three references. Send all inquiries to B. Mark Evers, M.D., Sealy Center for Cancer Cell Biology, The University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, http://www.utmb.edu/scccb/ email: reply.scccb@utmb.edu.

UTMB is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that proudly values diversity. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Posted by B. Mark Evers, MD (reply.scccb@utmb.edu)


University of Texas Medical Branch Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB)

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to study signal transduction pathways regulating intestinal cell function (i.e., proliferation and differentiation). The emphasis of the laboratory is on understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating PI3K/PTEN function in the intestine and downstream effector proteins for this pathway. A Ph.D. in biochemistry or cell and molecular biology is required. Experience in state-of-the-art molecular techniques and cell culture is required. In addition, other unique experience such as models utilizing transgenic animals or drosophila is preferred. The position offers an excellent, highly interactive and collaborative research environment with opportunity for career development. All applications should contain a current curriculum vitae, list of publications and the names and contact information of three references. Send all inquiries to B. Mark Evers, M.D., Sealy Center for Cancer Cell Biology, The University of Texas Medica!
l Branch, Galveston, Texas, http://www.utmb.edu/scccb/ email: reply.scccb@utmb.edu.
UTMB is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that proudly values diversity. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Posted by B. Mark Evers, MD (reply.scccb@utmb.edu)


Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Postdoc募集

Postdoctoral Position Available Immediately

Motivated individual with experience in molecular virology and/or immunology required to join the group of Dr. Stephen Russell to develop fully retargeted oncolytic measles viruses for cancer therapy with particular emphasis on immune evasion strategies to allow efficient systemic virus delivery in the face of pre-existing anti-measles immunity.

Salary will be determined by the successful candidate's experience. There is an attractive benefit package. Mayo Clinic Rochester is a not-for-profit organization. Mayo integrates research with clinical practice and education in a multi-campus environment. For further information please visit http://www.mayo.edu/research/mmp.

Applications, including curriculum vitae and bibliography, summary of past accomplishments, and the names and email addresses of three references, should be sent to:

Stephen Russell M.D., Ph.D.
Mayo Clinic in Minnesota
200 First Street SW
Rochester, MN U.S.A. 55905

Phone Number: 507-284-8384

Posted by Stephen J Russell, M.D., Ph.D. (sjr@mayo.edu)


岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科・システム循環生理学 助手募集





・年齢 原則として35歳未満(採用日現在)






投稿者:Hideo Sakamoto, PhD


Ontario Cancer Institute, University of Toronto ポスドク募集

ポスドク募集(Ontario Cancer Institute, University of Toronto)

カナダ、オンタリオ州、トロントにあるOntario Cancer Instituteのラボでは意欲のあるポスドクを募集しています。主にマウスやショウジョウバエを用いた細胞死と細胞周期の調節のメカニズムの研究を通じて、癌化や形態形成の諸問題に取り組みます。

トロントはカナダの東部に位置しオンタリオ湖に面した自然豊かな環境で、Sick Kids Childrens Hospital、Toronto Gneral Hospital、University of Toronto、Mount sinai Hospital等の研究施設が集まっており、研究交流も盛んです。




岡田 斉
Hitoshi Okada, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics
University of Toronto

Staff Scientist, The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, Ontario Cancer Institute

E-mail: hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca

投稿者:岡田 斉(hokada@uhnres.utoronto.ca)





UCLA小児脳神経外科(Principal Investigator: Ichiro Nakano)の小児脳腫瘍研究室では、研究者を募集します。研究内容は、神経幹細胞及び脳腫瘍の遺伝子解析、脳腫瘍における腫瘍幹細胞(cancer stem cell)の解析、動物モデルを用いた腫瘍増殖のメカニズムの解析(preclinical trial)です。脳腫瘍幹細胞を世界で最初に見出した一人、UCLA小児神経内科医のKornblum先生のラボと共同で研究を進めていく予定です。



生化学の一般的実験手技を有する方(PCR, cloning, Western blot, IHC, ICC, cell culture, cDNA microarray, RNA/DNA handling 等)
特にin vivoの実験が出来る方を歓迎します(transplantation, ventricular injection, in utero injection, gene targeting等)

Division of Neurosurgery, UCLA School of Medicine(Westwood, Los Angeles)

2006年秋以降 1年以上(2−3年)


cover letter, CV(English), 3 recommendation letters


Ichiro Nakano, M.D.,
Clinical Instructor,
Division of Neurosurgery, Dept of Surgery,
Department of Pediatrics,
UCLA School of Medicine
e-mail: inakano@mednet.ucla.edu

A) Maternal Embryonic Leucine Zipper Kinase (MELK) Regulates Multipotent Neural Progenitor Proliferation. Nakano, I., Paucar, A.A., Bajpai, R., Dougherty, J,.D., Zewail, A., Kelly, T.K., Kim, K.J., Ou, J., Groszer, M., Imura, T., Freije W.A., Nelson, S.F., Sofroniew, M.V., Wu, H., Liu, X., Terskikh, A.V., Geschwind, D.H., and Kornblum, H.I. J Cell Biol. 2005 Aug 1;170(3):413-27
B) 脳腫瘍における腫瘍幹細胞(cancer stem cell)の存在(総説) Nakano I, Hemmati HD, Kornblum HI. 脳神経外科. 2004 Aug; 32(8): 827-834.
C) Cancerous stem cells can arise from pediatric brain tumors. Hemmati HD, Nakano I, Lazareff JA, Masterman-Smith M, Geschwind DH, Bronner-Fraser M, Kornblum HI. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003 Dec 9;100(25):15178-83.
D) Neural progenitor genes. Germinal zone expression and analysis of genetic overlap in stem cell populations. Easterday MC, Dougherty JD, Jackson RL, Ou J, Nakano I, Paucar AA, Roobini B, Dianati M, Irvin DK, Weissman IL, Terskikh AV, Geschwind DH, Kornblum HI. Dev Biol. 2003 Dec 15;264(2):309-22.



University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Instituteポスドク募集

University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute/Department of PathologyのDr. Shi-Yuan Chengのラボでポスドクを募集しています。
リサーチのテーマはひとことでいうとSignaling Mechanisms of Tumor Invasion and Metastasesで,in vitroおよびin vivoモデル,ヒト腫瘍組織を用いて,種々の血管新生関連因子,成長因子などとその受容体,転写因子,腫瘍抑制因子などが腫瘍細胞の浸潤・転移を制御するsignaling pathwayについて研究を行っています。現在のプロジェクトは,グリオーマ細胞の運動性亢進を介した腫瘍浸潤,乳癌細胞におけるVEGF刺激に誘導されるエストロゲン非依存性の腫瘍増殖,およびAngiopoietin-2刺激に誘導されるEMTおよびcell survivalの促進を介した転移などの分子メカニズムを対象としたGenome-wide analysisとして進行中です。ラボのリサーチ内容および最近の業績の詳細についてはhttp://path.upmc.edu/people/faculty/sycheng.htmlを御参照下さい。なおラボのメンバーはアメリカ人および諸外国人の混成です。
当ラボはUniversity of Pittsburghに所属し2002年開設の最新かつ世界トップ水準の施設を備えたHillman Cancer Centerにあり,NIHその他多数のグラントでサポートされています。またこのポジションにはUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Medicineよりcomprehensive benefit packageが提供されています。Pittsburghは米国内都市圏の中でも生活費と犯罪発生率が際立って低いのと同時に文化レベルが高く緑も豊かな街で,家族連れの日本人にとってたいへん住みやすい環境です。
Shi-Yuan Cheng Ph.D.
Associate Professor
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Pathology,
Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.26f,
5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA.
Phone: (412)623-3261
Fax: (412)623-4840
E-mail: chengshiyuan2005@yahoo.com


Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions on
Signaling Mechanisms of Tumor Invasion and Metastases
University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

NIH-sponsored postdoctoral research associate positions are available immediately to study signaling mechanisms and models of tumor cell invasion and metastases. Research projects are focused on the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of migratory/invasive behaviors of human tumor cells and development of blood vessels. Using tumor cells, xenograft tumors and primary human tumor specimens as our model systems, we are investigating the molecular mechanisms by which angiopoietin-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptors and other regulators modulate human tumor cell invasion, metastasis, and angiogenesis. In addition, we are also studying the regulation of signaling molecules critical for invasion and metastasis by growth factors, transcription factors and tumor suppressors. Current projects address the signaling pathways that mediate glioma cell invasion in the brain stimulating cell motility, and breast cancer cell metastasis promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cell survival. Genome-wide analysis of molecular signatures/signaling pathways underlying glioma invasion and breast cancer metastasis and mechanisms of VEGF-stimulated estrogen-independent breast cancer growth are currently ongoing. Our recent publications are: Cancer Res. 66, 775-783, 2006; Am. J. Pathol., 166:879, 2005; Genomics, 84:82, 2004; Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA. 100:8904, 2003; Cancer Res. 63:4684, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Am. J. Pathol. 162:1083, 2003; Cancer Res. 62:756, 2002; Cancer Res. 61:8569, 2001. See website: http://path.upmc.edu/people/faculty/sycheng.html for details of the laboratoryユs research interests and recent publications. Our laboratory is highly productive and innovative. Our current research team consists of US and international researchers. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree, demonstrated expertise in molecular biology/signaling, cell biology and/or biochemistry, and an established publication record. Our laboratory is location in a newly opened, state-of-the-art and world-class research facility, the Hillman Cancer Center at the University of Pittsburgh. The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine offers a comprehensive benefit package for postdoctoral research associates.

Please send a cover letter with curriculum vitae and the names of three references to: Shi-Yuan Cheng, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute & Department of Pathology, Hillman Cancer Center Research Pavilion, 2.26f, 5117 Centre Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-1863, USA. Phone: (412)623-3261; Fax: (412)623-4840; E-mail: chengshiyuan2005@yahoo.com





1)募集人員 ポスドク 
州立ニュージャージー医科歯科大学のDepartment of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine の研究室で, 老化、DNA損傷に対する応答機構(checkpoint)、テロメア制御の関係を研究するポスドク(1名)を募集しています。新らしいアイデアをためしてみたい意欲的な人を歓迎します。

Department of Cell Biology は、New Jersey Medical Schoolで、もっとも活発に研究をおこなっている学科のひとつです。学科別では、全米で、21位にランクされています。

2)参考文献 (最近のおもな発表論文)

Hirano, Y., & Sugimoto, K. (2006)
ATR-homolog Mec1 controls association of the DNA polymerase z complex with DNA lesions.
Current Biology. 16:in press

Nakada, D., Hirano, Y., Tanaka, Y., & Sugimoto, K. (2005)
Role of the C-terminus of Mec1 checkpoint kinase in its localization to sites of DNA damage.
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 16:5227-5235.

Nakada D. Hirano Y. & Sugimoto K. (2004)
Requirement of the Mre11 complex and Exo1 for activation of the Mec1 signaling pathway.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 24: 10016-10025.
-----This paper has been highlighted in www.facultyof1000.com.

Naiki T. Wakayama T. Nakada D. Matsumoto K. & Sugimoto K. (2004)
Association of Rad9 with double-strand breaks through a Mec1-dependent mechanism.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 24: 3277-3285.

Nakada D. Matsumoto K. & Sugimoto K. (2003)
ATM-related Tel1 associates with double-strand breaks through an Xrs2-dependent mechanism.
Genes & Development 17: 1957-1962.
-----This paper has been highlighted in www.facultyof1000.com.

Katou, Y., Bandoh, M., Noguchi, H., Kanoh, Y., Tanaka, H., Ashikari, T., Sugimoto, K., & Shirahige, K. (2003)
S-phase checkpoint proteins Tof1 and Mrc1 form a stable replication pausing complex. Nature 424:1078-1083.
-----This paper has been highlighted in www.facultyof1000.com.

(a) 履歴書 (英文)、論文発表リスト(英文)、簡単な志望動機または研究計画
(b) 応募者について照会できる方(本人の能力を責任もって紹介できる人)の氏名と連絡先 、または、推薦状

Katsunori Sugimoto
E-mail: sugimoka@umdnj.edu

j46036a@yahoo.co.jp (日本語での問い合わせは、こちら)

投稿者:Katsunori Sugimoto(sugimoka@umdnj.edu)

« 2006年01月 | 最新の10件 | 2006年03月 »


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